Frequently Asked Questions

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you can contact us.

Kafama takılan sorularım var?

I have special software, can I report it?

If you have a SQL database (such as mssql, oracle, mysql, postgresql), you can report your software no matter what programming language it is written in. Regardless of the sector and subject, you want from your data with general reporting rules; You can create dashboard, list, pivot, chart and similar reports.

Too much data? records?

It doesn't matter if you have a lot of data. If you have a lot of data, it will be prepared according to the types of reports you prepare and the filters you use. Simply select the appropriate filters to get quick results. You can generate several rows of pivots from millions of records. Depending on the performance of your database server, queries will run in your environment. Before your data is transferred to the QUWAX server, only the amount generated as a result of the query required for the report will be displayed on your screen.

For example, if there are 10 million records in a table where you keep records for 5 years and you are making a total area report on a yearly basis, only 5 lines of information will be displayed and will not be kept on our servers.

I'm using 3 different databases of commercial softwares?

You can connect as many software databases as you want to QUWAX, which is a commercial software standalone application. You can report your data for each of your software under a single account and define a data source/project for each.

In the near future, with a feature that is currently being tested; It will also be possible to use the data of your different commercial software in the same report.

I don't know how to write SQL (Structured Query Language) queries?

You will not need to type any commands while preparing your reports. You can determine your report fields by selecting the fields you want from the tables in the database with the help of the mouse. You can select filters and operations with very simple methods on the same screen and create your report. Afterwards, the SQL commands required for your report to run on the database server will be dynamically prepared by QUWAX in a way that will work in the most appropriate and performance way. This prepared query will be sent to your server and your report will be prepared. In all these operations, you will not need to write a query or do any technical operation.

I know how to write SQL very well? Can I manually write a query?

The system has the infrastructure to run manually written queries and display the results of these queries as reports. You can use your prepared queries as the source of your reports, just like a table or view, after the columns are automatically defined by QUWAX. Users who can develop CTE and internal queries can use these skills without creating views on sql-servers. Since QUWAX allows handwritten queries to be prepared for reporting purposes only, INSERT-DELETE-UPDATE operations will not be performed.

I signed up for free, can I prepare as many reports as I want?

During your free subscription, you can prepare an unlimited number of reports over the defined test databases. As long as you do not define a project/data resource of your own, there is no restriction on the use of the test databases offered for learning-trying QUWAX. The reason why our users who want to try QUWAX for testing purposes work in limited test databases; In order not to be unfair to other members, we find it appropriate to use server power and traffic for reporting their own data sources.

Will the reports I make in the free subscription be deleted?

Drafts of the reports you prepare during your free membership are kept for at least 1 year under your customer-member record linked to your e-mail address. If you renew your subscription to QUWAX or buy the necessary packages for use, you can continue to use all the reports and database connection you made before within 1 year from where you left off. The same applies to our customers whose membership has been terminated or who have suspended their use for a while due to their projects.

Are there important information in my reports? Will others see?

QUWAX instantly prepares the results of the run reports and deletes them from its memory after they are shown to you, without saving them anywhere. The results of the reports; It is not kept on QUWAX servers, even if it is more or less important or unimportant. It does not keep it in buffer memory or in temporary tables. The data created for the prepared charts are drawn instantly in your browsers where you view the reports. There is no chart image or data in the QUWAX application server. It is created, displayed, and deleted from your computer's memory. Only you and your authorized users can see your reports. In addition, all data traffic between QUWAX and your sql server is made with SSL encryption as well as a special encryption method developed by QUWAX.

I don't want to show all my reports to my employees in my company?

Once you have prepared your reports, they can only be viewed or edited by you and users with the same authorization as you. To your other users; You can make them see the reports you have prepared only by publishing them until the date you specify. You decide which users will see which of your reports. You can create user groups and open the reports you want to these user groups.

I have too many field sales personnel, will I define reports one by one?

You can collect your new users, whom you invite under your membership, under groups. You can create user groups. Then, you can publish any of your reports to these groups instead of users, and all your users in the group can see the results of these reports with the same authorization. You can group 30 people for the field team and publish your Field Sales Report to this group. In addition, you can create filters with the basic information of users logging into the system in the prepared reports. In this way, the same report works with filters for each different user (user dependent). Example: When you prepare a 'Sales consultant report', you can match the salesperson filter in your report with the information of the user who has logged in to the system. In this way, it will be sufficient to make a single report with the name "Let every sales agent see their own sales".

My users need to see the same report with different results?

When a report you have prepared is opened to similar users, you can create filters at the common point of users and your data. In this way, a single report will work with different SQL queries for each employee and will naturally show different results. You can use fields such as VendorCode, DealerCode, Branch Number, Registry Number as constants in the reports you prepare. In addition, by adding flexible filter fields, it is possible for you and your employees to enter the values they want (maybe within the ranges you specify) before receiving the reports. It is possible to make flexible filter definitions very easily on the report design screen with a few clicks of the mouse.

Do I risk if I open my host for database connection?

The host where the QUWAX application resides has a fixed IP and address that it uses. It is sufficient for us to define a username you want on your database as readonly/datareader. If needed, it is sufficient to define these rights only for the QUWAX fixed IP on the firewall on your host or network, and it is safe. In addition, the connection string used to access your database server is recorded with a specially developed encryption method. In addition, it is possible to receive data and prepare reports without using the connection string pointing to the database. Communication between QUWAX and your server will be ensured with the QuwaxBridge application that we have specially developed for this purpose. All of these processes are logable and you do not need to define your connection sentence anywhere other than your own server. You can use the QuwaxBridge you are using for more than one datasource/Project over the same. You do not need to install a separate QuwaxBridge for each project. You can monitor all transactions made on your server. Note: Our customers who want to contact the software team can use our contact addresses to review QuwaxBridge programming and source codes and to build trust.

I will pay by Credit Card, is my information safe?

QUWAX uses PayTR, the most widely used electronic money payment tool in Turkey. In your payments received using the PAYTR infrastructure, no information about your credit card is kept in the QUWAX system. PayTR is a licensed payment institution operating within the framework of the Law No. 6493. Only the payment confirmation and subsequent accounting reconciliation information can be made by PAYTR with the QUWAX order number and approval or rejection information is shared. Your credit card number, name and surname, expiration date and CCV security number are sent directly to PayTR's secure payment infrastructure from the form on the payment screen, and after the transaction (positive or negative) is completed, only sales transaction records are created without being recorded in our database. In this case, you must re-enter the same information for the same transaction to be renewed or for the credit card payment transaction that cannot be approved. Meanwhile, on your own computer, the security level and features of your browser work as you specify. If necessary, inquiries can be made through PayTR, a licensed secure payment point, by obtaining the permissions determined by PAYTR and the law.

Don't want to use a Credit Card?

You can also pay by bank transfer by referring your order number or customer number to our bank account numbers on the payment screen without having to use a credit card. If your EFT or Money Transfer transaction is displayed in the bank records, you can benefit from QUWAX services immediately. For your membership start and the service to be active, it will be sufficient to enter your EFT or Money Transfer reference number, if available, on the payment screen.

I made an EFT/Money Transfer but I stopped being a member before it was approved?

If you do not use the system even though you have made a transfer or EFT to become a member, if you have not benefited from any of the services of QUWAX, it is sufficient to contact us immediately. The fee you sent will be refunded to the same account. In case of working hours or Saturday-Sunday, our transaction is completed in the nearest working time.